
What kind of job can I get in the US Embassy in El Salvador and would the salary be a US salary?

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I recently went on vacation to El Salvador and loved it. Would love to live there some day and was wondering if It was possible to get a good job in the US Embassy there. I also wanted to know if the work in the embassy would be payed according to a us salary or a salvadorian salary. They also work 6 days in El Salvador, would that apply to a US embassy job or since I would still be a US employee would a position in the embassy be a 5 day working week. I have a bachelors degree in psychology and am starting my masters in marriage in family therapy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks




  1. Unless you go through the Department of State as a direct hire(see website below), then your only option would be to contact the embassy directly (see website below) and seek a position as a local hire.  As a local hire, you would need to have made all of your own arrangements for the proper documents to live and work in El Salvador.  

    US Department of State career opportunities:

    US Embassy San Salvador Human Resources:

  2. you may want to ask the same question here

    amigos guanacos



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