
What kind of job can I get with a certificate in Certificate in Spirituality, Health, and Healing?

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What kind of job can I get with a certificate in Certificate in Spirituality, Health, and Healing?




  1. It really depends on where you live, and what legal designations that certificate gives you. If you got it from an accredited school, then they should be able to tell you.

    Depending on what modalities you are practicing as part of the health and healing, you will need to look up the local laws regarding licensing, insurance, etc before you begin practicing. In some states you are not allowed to perform any kind of "therapeutic" treatments without being a registered massage therapist, &/or a registerd clergyperson. Make sure you know the laws so you don't end up in trouble!

    You may wish to contact some local holistic practitioners and ask them about those issues. If you look around your local health food stores, you can likely find a networking or community board of some sort where you can find out about any gatherings where you can meet others.

    Best of luck!

  2. I bet you could become a "life coach." Although, there could be a specific "life coach" certificate you may need to get as well.

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