
What kind of job could i get in Holland??

by Guest45218  |  earlier

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Not near Amsterdam, but abit out the way.

I am an Estate Agent in London, Got UK Passport.

i cannot speak a word of Dutch.

Love to smoke weed

I would like to go over to work and live for a couple of months.





  1. How about swimming coach ?

  2. Non, employers do not want dopeheads.

    Better safe for a while and come for a couple of weeks of holidays, or better still, stay in your own country and pollute the streets there.

    You can buy weed and likely shrooms there too.

    For people who will have their brains on ready, there will be a few jobs, but not many as most will require a bit of Dutch.

    Either to talk with coworkers, the boss or customers if you work in a bar or shop.

    If you want to work with children, as one of the answerers indicated, you better be free of drugs and have a clear head and a clear conscience.

  3. Try Delft or The Hague.

    Last time I was in Holland I heard about as much English being spoken as Dutch... so it shouldn't be much of a problem

  4. picking tulips

  5. Consider trying for an English Teacher in one of them English primary schools were the kids were bought up speaking English but this may require knowing a little Dutch.  

  6. Don't think you're going to get a responsible job if you love to smoke weed, dear.  

  7. I went in an agency last year and they want  Dutch speakers only . it is getting tough out there as everywhere else .

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