
What kind of job is most suitable for women?

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  1. a housewife... a teacher

  2. To be a home minister. The most tough job.

  3. 1) being a mother

    2) being a teacher

    3) being a family lawyer

  4. every job that fulfills being:

    - not against Islam

    - physically suitable for her ability

    e.g. teacher

  5. If neccesory then otherwise  house wife  a good mother   a good doughter a  good siter

    House wife

    Islamic Teacher

    Baby sitting at home

    Some Busisnes at home  

  6. saudi hottgirl used to work in a strip club

    Edit : saudi hotgirl gave up her idenity and become americanized for the west for sociall acceptance. we educated people call it low self esteem. u know the less morals manners u have the more options u get. very low of u princess.

    u and ur moma jokes i did when i was 12 years old btw.

  7. If I were to be totally honest.

    A housewife.

    Edit: 360's mom used to make bombs for Osama.Educated women like me don't need that kind of jobs unlike some uneducated hijabi fanatics

  8. Any type of jobs that is considered as halal.

  9. any job which does not harm their health

    any job where they are respected as muslims

  10. Any job a woman wants to perform and is capable of performing, which is most any job that does not require exceptional physical strength, should be considered suitable for women.  Why limit the world to the talents and resources of the male population, when there is a tremendous resource among the women of the world?  Some of the best attorneys, doctors, engineers, pilots, etc., are women!

  11. I believe a Teacher also it is so rewarding!

    saudi Hot girl: Dear what if they are not married....? Just reflect before you type ;)

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