
What kind of job should I choose in the air force?

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Something that has to do with this ^^




  1. You'll want to pick a communications job. Any in the 3C family would be great.

    3C0x1 is Computer systems operator

    3C0X2 is Programming

    3C1X1 is Radio

    3C1x2 is Spectrum Management

    3C2x1 is Computer Systems Control

    3C3x1 is Planning.

    I will let you know though. The new FY that begins in 09 brings quite a bit of change to the AF with the introduction of the new Cyber Command (your you tube video). The cyber command will begin small and gradually increase in size. AFSC's are merging and changing and many units are being re-tasked. Some are going from Combat Communications to Cyber Command. Your best bet would be to chose either 3C0 or 3C1 and once you get in, you'll be taught all that's necessary about the new commands-etc.

    Good on you for enlisting. :) Lots of luck!

  2. The job will be chosen for you based on aptitude, and education. You can't ask for a job you are unqualified to do or are unable to complete training properly.

  3. Communications.

  4. Intelligence. Remember the hackers from the movie Transformers? The British girl at the pentagon was doing signal intelligence. I signed up to do that.

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