
What kind of job would be good for a 12 yr old?

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Plz help! my friend in wondering




  1. Babysitting or helping out older pepole. Like cleaning or just helping them out with things they can't do.

  2. hmm. you really want to work so young? i think maybe like a lemonade stand would make money. like a busy day in the park or something. those really do get people i promise. like get a lot of lemonade and put LARGE cups out to pour to keep them satisfied for a while. good luck! it is fun too and not babyish if you thought that i promise.

  3. how about studies....

    it's the best u can do......

  4. umm personally i think that you are to young.

  5. there arent to many out there, first of all youll need working papers, which you can get at your school, maybe you can help out a neigbor, shoveling snow, doing chores around the house, yard work, things like that, or try getting a newspapaer route

  6. Babysitter.

    Chores around the house.  Good time to learn that laundry does not do its self and the table does not magically get set before dinner.

    At 12, a child's job should be school.  They should know that school is their job just like mom and/or dad have a job that they must be responsible for and go to every day.

    Over the summer and/or school breaks, have them do some light yard work.  Maybe at 14 they can handle the mower or snow blower.  Pick the weeds out of the garden.  Things like that.  Mom and dad can (hopefully afford to) pay them a "salary."

    A 12 year old should not have to worry about balancing an outside (regular) job with their school and home work.  School is just as hard and taxing to a 12 year old as a job is to an adult.

  7. I was designing tanks and airplanes when I was three. I'm forever amazed that children today do not have any sympathy for the soldier in the field. As an arms designer I'm grateful for the lack of competition mind you, but still amazed.

    In Iraq soldiers are dying. Most of them are simple men without the brains to design a super efficient tunneling machine, so they wouldn't need to transport trucks overland where there are bombs and bad guys at every corner. And the rest are too tired to do any more than plan another convoy through the roadside bombs. Nope, I'll bet one of you youngsters might be able to do it though, if you are a really smart or tenacious person. Because, hey, all you have is time and nobody is shooting at you, yet. Besides, when "washed up Liberals" (allmost all this nation's good arms designers are Liberals) say: "but why are you guys not doing "such and so"" we are laughed at or worse, beaten up in the courts by Conservatives who say that only proves you could have paid more child support!!!!

  8. sell stuff (mostly food) at school, people are ALWAYS hungry, and always have money...

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