
What kind of jobs are there that have to do with environmental conservation, or working outdoors......?

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I want to go back to college and get a degree. What type of outdoor work is there, such as for the state, or whatever?




  1. Look into land conservation programs.  They do things like buy pristine land and keep it from being developed; and conduct events like trash clean-ups; invasive plant species removal; and tree planting.  These programs might need coordinators, spokespeople, etc.  

    You can always become an ecologist, hydrologist, or some other scientist studying the environment.  These afford plenty of opportunities to be outdoors.  Or you might actually consider becoming an environmental engineer.  I'm not really sure what exactly they do, but it sounds rewarding.

  2. Forester/biologist/wildlife/environmenta... scientist/soil scientist.

    Find a major you find interesting.  Most are closely related and you take courses that related different potential emplyoment together.

    Make sure your school is accredited by a professional organization such as SAF for Foresters.  Once you get your degree there are many jobs that take several degrees (Forestry/Wildlife/Biology/Environmental Science etc).

    This is a good time to get a job in these field as retirements from government positions are at an all time.  

    Sign up for USA Jobs which will email you weekly listings based on what fields you specify, location and potential salary.

    I received a forestry degree and have worked in numerous environmental fields (haz waste, governmental enforcement, forestry, for a water utility, etc).  

    Good luck!!

  3. Ecological Restoration is a great field.  Lots of job possibilities, from nursury manager to park ranger.  

    Check the website below to see what interests you, and go for it.  It's rewarding work, far better than the normal  9 to 5 desk job, in my opinion.

  4. you could get a job holding the sign for the d.o.t.

  5. Once you get your degree you can get work as a wildlife biologist, scientific aide, biological technician, etc. with government organizations such as US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Fish and Game, US Forest Service, etc.  You can also work for an environmental consultant firm...there are lots of them and they always seem to be hiring.  Other choices are non-profit organizations. You could also go the zoo route and work as a zookeeper.

  6. park ranger or game warden.

  7. You can get a job cleaning up hazardous waste. The EPA hires environmental service companies to clean up Superfund sites.

  8. I have my associates degree in natural resources and wildlife management, and my BS in Fish and Wildlife Management and Conservation.  There are many opportunities to work with fish and wildlife and conservation in general.  Biologists (both fish and wildlife) are a big employment opportunity with just about any state's Department of Natural Resources.

  9. If you go to college and major in enviro science than you can probobly get any job you want in and enviro career.

  10. "The complete guild to environmental careers in the 21st century", published by  'Island Press'

  11. Michigan State University and the University of Washington both have strong environmental / forestry programs that can give you an idea of what career paths they can help you pursue.

    It's surprising how varied and far ranging employment opportunities there are for those interested in the environment.  You might want to look into the National Park Service website as well.  They have some pages talking about what working for them is like.

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