
What kind of jobs can I get in Norway with limited knowledge of the native language?

by Guest55819  |  earlier

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I might be moving to Stavanger, Norway next fall for university... so I was wondering what type of jobs I can get. Although I am required to travel to Norway with 85K NOK already in my pocket, I would like to be able to find a job. My friend that lived in Norway told me I can work at an American restaurant. Anything else?




  1. When I studied in Norway, I worked on a boat as a waitress (a nice change from the normal restaurant)..wages are good and tips even better!  Most people are ok with you speaking english as well- especially when they are drinking! ha!

    I also worked at a bartender- although it's not exactly "legal", many bars pay cash, the hours aren't limited (as with a student visa, they are) and again the tips are great.

    Another great option would be babysitting/nanny work! Kids there begin learning english at very young ages and they are the most patient to help you learn norwegian as well!  I was a nanny for quite some time over there for 3 kids- if I couldn't understand one of them? The other would break it down in simpler terms so that I could understand- if all else fails? They just point at what they need! ha :)  But wages are so much better over there than here, so that would be a good option for you!  

    Other than that? There are some great tourist sites in the Stavanger area who actually look for and need people who speak english. might want to check with the University or local schools (international schools), you might be able to assist there as well.

    Hopefully this helps- enjoy Norway and be prepared to fall in love with it- my heart is there still :)  


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