
What kind of jobs can a 14yr old girl apply for???

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I live in the Blyth (north east of england) and want to work somewhere nice but I don't want to deliver newspapers has anyone got and good suggestions for a Saturday job?




  1. im 14 and i got a summer job as an intern for a business company where i typed stuff and ran errands (the stuff nobody else wanted to do), but it payed well. So u cud try that but im not xre if they'd approve of Saturdays only thing. U shud work more days than that or sumthing. Or set up your own little business and sell stuff. thats easier. hehe

  2. the british laws say that you can legally get a job at this age on saturdays but it will just be shorter hours than for a 16 year old. you could work in a shop, or as a waitress, in a hairdressers', babysitting, you can walk dogs at the kennels if you are an animal person. if either of your parents' jobs interest you, you could help out with that.

  3. sweeping hair at a hairdressers

  4. im sorry ur way too young theres no where you can work legayly, u probs dont even have a work permit like an NI card or something,  what about a bank account for the money to be paid into,  theres nowhere you can work at this age,  just get good results at school and wait till ur 14,   try having a garage sale or something to make extra cash,

  5. I used to work in a bakery when I was 14.  Great fun and free cakes.  15 years ago and £1.50 an hour.  Brilliant!

  6. Babysitting?  Homemade car wash?

  7. you could work in library or book shop ,or a petstore if you like animals...these are things that i'll want to do if i had the chanse...or you could work on an archaeological sit like worker ...for a summer the archaeologist will be glad,trust me...

  8. papers, hair dressers, shelf stacking, waittress!!!

  9. Why don't you start selling things through newspapers Supermarkets or Ebay? Ask relatives for stuff they don't want and sell it.  When I was fourteen I used to work in a fish and chip shop peeling potatoes, the pay was good and I got a free food and drink (even though I hate Chips)  I also was pretty good at sewing and would make skirts,tops and dresses for friends.  You could also try making jewellery and selling that. Whatever you're good at try and turn it into a small business, I'm sure there is something you're really good at that you could make you some money.  Even dog walking can earn you money!  Put ads in free newspapers and shops asking for work. Print some leaflets advertising for babysitting, dogwalking or general help like shopping for the elderly and push through lettter boxes. Good luck and I hope my suggestions help.

  10. It depends where you apply, alot of places might not take on anybody younger than 16. At 14 you can only work 8 hours a week with no more than 4 a day, then again it varies from different areas.  You could apply as a saturday girl in a local hairdressers (my hairdresser takes girls from 13). You could always do volunteer work in a charity shop for something to put on your CV for any future part time jobs you're interested in.

  11. corner

  12. At 13 years can do light work as permitted under local authority by-laws between 7am and 7pm from Monday to Saturday, and between 7am and 10am on Sunday but not during school hours or for more than 2 hours on a school day or Sunday, and not involving heavy lifting or carrying

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