
What kind of jobs can an Anthropology degree lead to?

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What kind of jobs can an Anthropology degree lead to?




  1. I have a B.A. degree in Anthropology and I must say to get the real interesting and well paying jobs you really need to get your Masters and I wish someone would have told me that when I started.  It is hard to find a job in any field but there are plenty of degree holders in Anthropology and not enough jobs let alone well paying jobs.  My advice is to stay in school as long as possible, I encourage anthropology study but stay there long enough to make the thousands you spend on school worth while.  I will eventually be going back to school in a year, but it will probably be in Law school just for the opportunities. Good Luck!

  2. You should watch the show Bones on Fox Wednesdays at 8. It is about a forensic anthropologist. It's also my favorite show.

  3. You can do anything with a degree in anthropology and whatever job you choose to do does not necessarily have to specifically deal with anthropology. Also it depends on how much schooling you want (bachelors, masters, doctorate).  Anthropology is within the college of arts and sciences where this college basically teaches you how to learn. A lot of business/organizations are looking for people who are willing to learn and where they can teach the employee what they want. So you can basically do anything you really want to do, it just depends on you.

    You can have a job in education (teaching, research, excavation), museums (curators, conservation, research, education), government (administration, CRM, surveying, site management, excavation, research, museum conservation, urban planning, program management), private sector (CRM, research), business (PR, administration, advertising, human resources, sales, writing), social services (administration, counseling, research). It all depends on what interests you and how far you are going to go in your education.

    This year I am graduating with a degree in Anthropology and, for now, I am going to be a 'shovel bum' and work across the US for about a year then decide if I want to go to grad school or settle down somewhere. Right now, government jobs are the way to go because the baby boomers are retiring and so there are a lot of openings in government positions. I eventually want to work for the BLM, but in order to do so I need a masters in anthropology. It took me until my junior year in college that I decided to major in anthropology with a focus in archaeology and I do not regret it. I didn't even know about anthropology until I took an intro to anth course. I found it very fascinating and was hooked.

    Here are a few websites you can look at:,,,,

  4. Here you go:

    Start digging.

  5. anthropology is an interesting degree to have because there are many jobs you can get. for example, i am an anthropology grad student and im studying to eventually either work in museums or in arts management organizations.

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