
What kind of jobs can i get in barnet when im 14?

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what jobs can i get apart from baby-sitting and paper rounds around south-east london?




  1. assssassssin.

  2. Er..... Barnet is North London.........

  3. The best thing you can hope for is probalbly a paper round or even a leaflet round (which will pay more, but more work) sadly due mostly to insurance costs the average teenager will find it hard to get employment, under 16 your hours are restricted and can be governd by your school, so i would recomend a newsagent.

  4. I would say a paper boy or a bag boy. have you tryed your local fast food resturant. my first job was when i was 16 in taco bell.

  5. try kings cross

  6. paper round? Store asst. perhaps?......

  7. Washing pots in a kitchen, taking dogs for a walk, washing neighbours' cars.

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