
What kind of jobs can i get with a degree in anthropology?

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What kind of jobs can i get with a degree in anthropology?




  1. You could be the New Indiana jones

  2. I have an Anthropology degree and I work as a Clinical Research Coordinator for a group of Orthopaedic surgeons.

  3. Do you feel like going to law school?  Your degree can be a stepping stone to further education.  Universities & Federal, Provincial or State Governments favour hiring ppl with degrees.  Having a degree in anything opens doors.  It shows that you are educated and accomplished.  You cna look for possitions in research or teaching assistance in universities & colleges.  Put your resume together and see a job counsilor.


    Here is a school program at Denver University, visit and click on all the options for under and graduate education.  You will see about how one will specialize and move towards a career.

    You can pick a school anywhere but I went to DU, I would also check out such as a small state school with a good reputation: Eastern New Mexico University

    The school faculty is open at both places to talking to prospective students.  Granted DU is very, very expensive

    but it is a good place to see what the academics are like and what jobs will be open.

  5. You can get a job doing just about anything in anthropology, be creative!  Employers are often not aware that anthropologists have skills that can be applied to the corporate world as well.  Market your skills creatively and highlight universal skills such as communication, creativity, and literary skills.

    As far as getting a job IN anthropology, you will most likely need a higher degree (MS or PhD) to practice.

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