
What kind of jobs can you get if you have a degree in International Studies?

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At my college I was hoping to get into an international business program but there were no more openings in that class so i'd like to know what kind of jobs i could get if i decided to settle for international studies instead..?




  1. I don't think you are guaranteed any job with either programmes. Jobs are not always based on what you your undergraduate degree in. I did my BA in international relations. I think it has helped me to understand international issues that effect my work. I would suggest to study the international studies if you are interested in it. It might not be as focused as the international buisness programme but it will give you a good base to move forward with into the real world. Remember jobs are not given out just because people have a degree...get some work experience or work shadowing of a job you really like (even summer job volunteering for a company you want to work for). When you get out of university, you will be in a better place to get a good job because you have education and experience.

    Good luck

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