
What kind of jobs can you pursue with a degree in music theroy?

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What kind of jobs can you pursue with a degree in music theroy?




  1. Anything that is musically involved! Be creative, teaching is the last resort always!

  2. You can go to grad school and get a master's and doctorate in music theory to qualify to teach at the university level.

    With the BM you're more limited in options.  If you have the talent you can become a composer, arranger, copyist, etc... or a music journalist.

    Music publishing careers are an option if you're in a market that has music publishers.

    If you complete the BA instead of the BM, you also have all of the options available to everyone who is applying to jobs that require "a bachelor's degree" without specifying the major.  These are generalist jobs such as sales, entry-management, and entry-level nontechnical careers.

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