
What kind of jobs could I do which are related to animals?

by Guest33602  |  earlier

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I know I could be a Vet but I got DD for science GCSE I am 17 and going to college because i dropped out of A-level the first year because it is too stressful.

I know I could work in the farm - but what is the pay like there?

Oh yeah I know about Veterinary Nurse but I do not like the idea of that. Thanks.

And what other jobs could I do?




  1. zoology

  2. If you do not work well under stress then a vet might not be a good idea. Just think a patient who can*t say where it hurts. Try helping out at the local ASPCA and see what it*s like then make your decision.

  3. Farm work is pretty hard! -- my partners uncle owns a farm and he is in bed every night by about 8-9 and up at 5am every morning sorting out the animals etc etc. its very stressful and i cant imagine it would pay very well at all. but that's just an assumption really.

    you could work in a pet shop? bit boring but still, its with animals. or a police dog handler/trainer?

    maybe a zoo or rescue centre? or a cattery?

    you could get in contact with your local PDSA or RSPCA centre and offer to volunteer - that way you've got your foot in the door and you're showing dedication and a genuine interest. you would then have an advantage should a full time position you're interested in come up?

  4. Join a Municipal Zoo as care taker of animals.

    They have several in service. AT FIRST YOU WILL MAINLY be sweeping up poo and feeding them, but soon, with time and experience you will learn some things about animal husbandery that you will not learn anywhere else, like what milk to feed baby tigers, and what dry maize to feed adult zebra and where to inject chimps to treat them for infection and so on....

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