
What kind of jump rope do you recommend?

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  1. Actually it does matter what kind of jump rope you use.  There are 2 types of jump ropes depending on what you want to target.  Speed rope and weighted rope for a more upper body workout.

    I prefer a speed rope w/ pvc cord for speed and tricks to develop good footwork, coordination, among others.

    I used this for quite some time:

    It's an amazing jump rope capable of high speeds and intricate tricks and it's far better than their ball bearing rivals.

    If you don't mind spending $40 on a jump rope I'd recommend the Buddy Lee Aero Speed.

    What you'd want to look for in a jump rope:

    - PVC cord

    - slim handles for comfort

    - thin cord to reduce drag and tangling

    - the cheaper the better (except if you're gonna buy the Aero Speed), avoid jump ropes w/ bearings

    - Brand: Buddy Lee, Valeo, Everlast

  2. It really makes no difference what kind you buy, as long as it is long enough for you it should work  

  3. It doesn't matter.  Just pick one up from the toy dept. of your local store or from a sports store.  There's no reason to pay much money for it, but make sure it's long enough for your height!  That's a great cardio workout!

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