
What kind of knowledge, skills, and training, etc would be most beneficial for the 6-16 yr olds...??

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike they can grow up to be efficient workers, entrepreneurs, managers, etc, ready in all respects to take on the world? Observed many young ones cannot do simple things!

Appreciate any positive or creative answers!




  1. hands on activities that involve lots of color and make sure to give lots of encouragement...

  2. logic and thinking on your feet without that ur pretty worthless

  3. exposure to the environment, the good, the bad and the ugly side of the world. Don't just feed them with luxuries.  During the school holidays, enrol them to the creative thinking workshop.  The idea is to provide a competitive environment so that they can observe that there are others in their peers whom can actually excel better than them and that sets them as a motivation to perform

  4. I think it starts from home - the young ones should learn and help out with housework. Many are overeliant on maids and expect others to serve them at all times. They need a healthy dose of discipline which is lacking from many parents.

    Older kids should participate in foreign exchange programmes to widen their perspective and appreciate that they should be thankful for what they have. Financial management skills should be imbued from young, so that they are prudent in saving and spending - there are many highly educated people who are mired in credit debt and need help to break their spending habits.

    The young need to identify the learning style that suit them best and adopt healthy habits which will serve them well in future.

  5. survival skill. Most of the kids in Singapore, sad to said, beside study, shopping, clubbing, and etc, they just know nuts.

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