
What kind of laptop should i buy??

by  |  earlier

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I used to consider the macbook, but since trying out the Windows-Based systems on the likes of Dell and Sony and Toshiba, I have become optimistic about which laptop to buy, since the PCs are so much cheaper, more easily available, have more support, and are more customizable, but Macs are extremely stable, have a fast start up, a good interface, and generally last longer, and I used to despise the Windows GUI, until I saw vista. I heard vista has a lot of new features and stuff and I am wondering what laptop I should buy because right now I am at a loss of words what laptop I should ask my parents to buy. Here are the choices please tell me which one is the best pick:

Apple Laptop

Dell Laptop

Sony Laptop

Toshiba Laptop

HP Laptop

Acer Laptop

Compaq Laptop

Lenovo Laptop

Other brand(please specify)

And also please tell me which operating system is the best for school:

Windows XP

Mac OS X

Windows Vista

As you can see I gave a lot of choices because I am considering any brand of laptop out there that works, has a good operating system, is reliable brand, and can operate a good 3 years without failing. I am taking this seriously because if I buy a laptop that i will regret paying for in the future, I am basically screwed.




  1. if you know what's best stick with Mac. Get the macbook air  with Mac OS X. Also, vista sucks badly! Way too bad! That's why they are trying to get the new software for a pc out.

    Stick with mac it's better than anything also do not switch cause people who switch from mac to pc regret it. And people who switch from pc to mac do not regret it.  

  2.   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DO NOT GET THE MACBOOK AIR! Sorry for yelling, but I just need to stress how important that is. If you're going to get a Mac, buy the normal MacBook.

    On to the Operating Systems!

    Windows Vista is the best all around operating system. It will work for school (I'm using my Dell Inspiron 1420 for school and it rocks), as well as any kind of gaming you like and the works.

    Mac is for businesses and students. It will get the job done for school and paperwork, but it's not a good idea if you're into multimedia. Also, Vista multitasks better.

    Don't believe any c**p you hear about Windows Vista. It's all spread by people who have never used it and Mac lovers (any Windows user will tell you: Mac lovers are annoying), most of which are so stuck-up in Apple-world that they deny that there is any other OS in the world besides the almighty Mac OS X (translating to: they've never used Vista before).

    Seriously dude, go with Windows Vista. You can ask for some computer add-ons as well since it's in the budget.

    Also, if you would like to experience something similar to Mac on your PC, g'head and install the Ubuntu Linux operating system on your PC (google it). It does not have the same interface, but it is just as secure and gets the job done (but once again, not with multimedia). Also, Linux is THE BEST at multitasking.

    I'll say it again: Seriously. Windows Vista does more.  

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