
What kind of learning disability do you have??

by Guest66305  |  earlier

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What kind of learning disability do you have??




  1. Dyslexia (most people lnow what that is) and Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia effect my hand to eye co-ordination, making it diffiult thing for me to even cross a road.

  2. Dyscalculia

  3. does an extreme lack of concentration count as a learning disability? if it does then that is what i have. I can be studying one minute and next thing i know I'm getting myself in some kind of trouble or doing something else.

    Simply put, I'm very easily distracted (except for when I'm writing an essay or something similar).

  4. I have Asperger's Syndrome a mild form of Autism

  5. i dont have any.  i procrastinate a lot.  does that count?

  6. dyscalcula and a visual disability that skews my ability to work math problems.  i've also got adult ADD.

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