
What kind of legacy are you leaving for your kids, and their kids?

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What kind of legacy are you leaving for your kids, and their kids?




  1. Passing on a college fund for the kids and their kids. They don't have to worry about saving up for higher education. They don't even have to go to school, but they have the wonderful gift of love and compassion embedded in a college fund.

  2. I am leaving the legacy of showing Christ through my behavior.  If I can show my children what it's like to have Jesus in their life then I hope they will accept Him as well and pass it on to their children.  That is the most important thing to me.  Everything else is useless without Christ.

  3. I went to to look up the meaning of legacy.  I kinda knew what it meant but here is what it said:


    1. Law. a gift of property, esp. personal property, as money, by will; a bequest.  

    2. anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor: the legacy of ancient Rome.  

    3. an applicant to or student at a school that was attended by his or her parent.  

    4. Obsolete. the office, function, or commission of a legate.  

    –adjective 5. of or pertaining to old or outdated computer hardware, software, or data that, while still functional, does not work well with up-to-date systems. answer your question...

    I have life insurance...and a LOT of it.

    We also have family property that has been handed down and she will eventually inherit it.

    Also, I am teaching her about our family heritage and about our family belief systems.

    What about you?

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