
What kind of license do you need for a boat?

by Guest60184  |  earlier

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i am building a boat what are the specks does a boat have to meet

does a kayak or a conue need a license

is there a standard for a boat when it gets to a certin size that is needs that kind of stuff

i live in california if that helps




  1. A boat needs  to be registered if it is being used with a motor. That includes an electric motor. If a kayak or canoe is used with a motor it needs to be registered.- any state

  2. depending on the size of the boat there are certain licences, if you are going to use it for commercial use then you need a commercial licence. You don't need a license for a canoe or kyak. If your boat is for personal use and under 30ft (i think) then you only need a standard boat licence.

  3. You will have to check on the state that you are going to boat in.  Ohio requires a license for all watercraft.  Even a inner tube.  If it floats and you are on it you must have a license.  If you where born after 1982 and the watercraft has a motor you are required in all states to have a boater safety license.  Check your state for online testing.  The fine for not having a license to operater can be more that $250.00 lost of craft and more.  Check the state department of natural resources for more info.  Once you have the license it is good in all states, it's a Fed requirement.  Hope you enjoy boating as much as I do.

  4. a boat license lol!

  5. First of all, I live on a boat in California-just to let you know where I'm coming from. If you use a kayak or canoe, you do not need a license at all. It would be advisable to learn the rules of the water though as far who has the right of way in many situations. Go to your local DMV and pick up their book on rules and regulations of the open waters.

    Also, you do not need a license to operate a 30 foot boat like someone in the answers part suggested. Now, if you operate a boat for commercial purposes, then you need to check with the Coast Guard as to what the requirements are in California. If you do intend to operate a boat commercially, then the Coast Guard will let you know where classes are available.

    General rule of thumb-it is always advisable to know as much as you can about operating your boat on the open waters. You are responsible for yourself and the lives of your passengers when you are boating so please take that seriously. In addition, never drink while operating your boat. I have seen some horrible accidents in the last few years that would make you think twice before taking a drink.

    Good luck and have fun with your boat.

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