
What kind of license does a Mexican Citizen need to sell Real Estate in Cabo?

by  |  earlier

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We currently live in the US and are moving to Cabo in January 2008. I am trying to find out what I can do to prepare myself for a career in Real Estate prior to moving. Can anyone please help?




  1. None.

    In México we don't need any license to sell real estate.

  2. Well there is an asociation call AMPI  with that you will ensure your client thta you are a profesional realtor.

  3. Hola.  Well like most of my real estate friends say, you don't really need a licence to practice real estate down, but I would recommend it so you can actually sound like you know what you are talking about.

    Everyone is a realtor down here!!  It seems to be the only occupation.  You probably will have an edge on other mexican citizens if you can speak english well and have a licence from the USA, so I would consider getting it done prior to moving here.

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