
What kind of life lessons have you learned from kids?

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Kids say the darndest things. Can you think of something profound about life that you've heard from someone under the age of 10?

Back when I was a high school senior, I served as an intern for a now-defunct local newspaper and I was given the task to pick Mother's Day entries to put in the newspaper that were written by kids.

This one stood out in my mind nine years later. A boy wrote to the paper saying how his mom was like a pair of scissors; she would cut out all the bad times and leave in the good times.

It wasn't necessarily a life lesson but it was incredibly profound and I had to include it in the paper.




  1. don't grow up

    go on beyond zebra

    be yourself

    you can see a world in a grain of sand (wm blake, jr.)

  2. Pick



  3. I've learned that kids don't seem to have problems like adults. Adults are always thinking and thinking while kids just wanna have fun. Happy go lucky...

  4. I've learned that nurture usually trumps nature.

  5. "When Invisible Children Sing," Dr. Chi Cheng Huang,

    "Hope's Boy," Andrew Bridge,

    "Hope Rising," Kim Meeder,

    "Bridge to Terabithia," K. Paterson,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

    "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson,

    "A Spiritual Approach to Parenting:  Secrets of Raising the 21st Century Child," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D.,

    and "Good Masters!  Sweet Ladies!", Schlitz, are helpful.

  6. dont take candy from strangers

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