
What kind of local anthropological research would you do if you had time and resources where you live?

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What kind of local anthropological research would you do if you had time and resources where you live?




  1. I would spend the money and extrapolate from a single drop of blood what kind of creature existed over 2 million years ago! They can find your ancestors from that one drop if you're willing to pay the price! Do you really want to know? I would prove life originated from the stars brought here by the comets and asteroids collisions from out beyond the Ort cloud!

  2. Coastal tribal life before the padres arrived in California.

  3. Great Plains archaeology, specifically paleoindians. Lucky me, I do have the time and resources to do just that.

  4. I would try and prove that life on earth started out at the bottom of the oceans, surrounding geothermal vents, which formed a primordial slime, appx. 3+ Billion years ago...

    "Goo to You", so to speak!

  5. I would really like to study the latest finds in Ethiopia. It's possible that all life began in that area.

  6. I would like to know if I am one of the one in eight people on the planet related to Genghis Khan.

    Failing that I would like to study the ways in which language and culture develops differently in nomadic lifestyles compared with settlement lifestyles. How is human communication determined by nomadic lifetsyle or effected by settled homes.

    I think that when people have less electronic entertainment they communicate more with each other and the type of language that is needed for that is produced. More words and behaviour reflecting the needs of others before oneself, not necesssarily from religious influence.  Laws that are for nomads mobile, this interests me how they apply without police or judge or religion...wherever you are.

    How settlement creates something which needs protecting, as more is amassed more laws need to be made to protect belongings, goods.

    How memory is better when things are not written down, how much more important someones word is in a nomadic society where writing and recording is too heavy to carry unless its in your head.

    I would like to set up a five year experiment studying a nomadic group whose language i had already learned and comparing it to a settled lifestyle to which i am accustomed.

    Arabic nomads probably because they have been bartering and communicating between tribes for centuries so their speech and behaviour should reflect their history in some ways.

  7. Here in Upper Bavaria supposably a meteorite came down in the celtic era and produced the lake Chiemsee. I would make research concerning the population before and after this event: a strong decline of population, culture, religion? How did it go inside the myths?

  8. Do archaeological digs on prehistorical and historical sites here in New York.  The Indian artifacts are very interesting to me.

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