
What kind of lunchbox should I send with my Kindergartener this year?

by Guest60399  |  earlier

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He is my first child, starting school for the first time. I don't know how to do any of this!!!! Do most of the other kids have the fabric insulated kind, or the retro-style plastic kind?




  1. my 6 yo step daughter took the insulated kind and will probably again this year.  She was, though, the only kid in her class (and from what i saw when I ate lunch with her, the entire K & 1st grade level) that packed.  The rest went through the line b/c they got reduced lunch for the most part.  Hopefully this isn't the case for her, but if it is, do a little compromise...pack four times a week and let her buy once.  But, yes, I found the cloth ones better, especially with how rough kids can be on their lunch box, especially boys.  The cloth insulated will withstand much more abuse.

  2. i would say an insulated one that way its easier to put in his backpack because the hard ones will be hard to pack but thats just me

  3. OK, I have 2 kids who love to pack a lunch.  After tons of money and trips to walmart, here is what I have found.  FIRST, no one ever died from carrying a lunch without an icepack.  Afterall, most schools are air conditioned these days.  SECOND, 9 out of ten children WILL lose the lunch bag you paid 10-20 bucks for, at least twice.  THIRD, part of what my kids loved best about packing a lunch is the fact that we sat down each night and dcorated their "brown bag" lunch.  They also loved decorating Daddy's bag and sending notes in his lunch.  Brown bags will never go out of style, not to mention, they are made from recycled paper now, and better for our environment.  TIP:  Always keep a balance of 10 bucks on your childs lunch account, just incase they lose that brown bag lunch.  Also, as silly as this sounds, it still happens, My daughter packed a lunch every day her first week.  I had put ten dollars on her account and by thursday, her account had no money on it.  Workers said she was buying a lunch every day.  Can you believe a buly was stealing her lunch and stomping it?  I found out only because of the lunch account.  My daughter was scared to tell, and because she DIDN'T tell me, the kid didn't give her h**l! (Not to mention she didnt go hungry because of the money I had put in her account!

  4. Take him with you when your buying pick a set you like and he could pick what color remember to buy one that you need for keeping the temperature of what your giving him.

  5. I would take him with you when you buy it and let him pick it out himself! That way he's choosing and not just going by what everyone else has.

  6. I have insulated boxes (so I can put an ice pack inside)...I used to hate when my mao got warm and clear....

  7. Since it's his first year of elementary school, make it a special experience by letting him accompany you when you go to pick out a lunch box. Also let him be there when you pick out a backpack and school supplies. This way he can feel in control of at least some part of going into school, which makes many kids nervous. Make it a happy and memorable experience.

  8. My son starts Kindergarten this fall and he's my first too. I bought him a Star Wars fabric insulated lunchbox. I don't think a lot of people use the plastic ones anymore- you don't see them in stores as often. This is the one I got for my son...

    Just to add, brown bags are NOT better for the environment than re-using a plastic bag. How could they be? I mean, hello! They create more waste and use more trees! They also aren't cheaper because you have to keep buying them all year long and you only have to buy a lunch bag once- maybe twice if he loses it. Write his name on the inside with a sharpie- most schools have a lost & found so it would probably show up in that case. The bag I bought was only $6.

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