
What kind of makeup would you suggest for me?(pic include)

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for a simple look for school

could u suggest specific stuff to use?





  1. i dont think you need makeup, you already look great :) but if u need some, just use mascara, any brand will do :)

  2. you have a beautiful face i do NOT think you need make up...

    but if you want to some pink blush and a lavender eyeshadow or blue but do not put a lot of it you can get it at claires or ulta or any wear

    hope i help


  3. for a simple look try silver metallic eyeshadow on top with a line of eyeliner on the top lid.

    maybe light liner on the bottom lid for dramatic effect and DONT FORGET MASCARA!!

  4. I think you would look good in similar make-up as the girl on this website. She has a list of everything she uses, check it out.

  5. Black girls (sorry I don't know how else to refer to them. I don't mean it in a bad way) look great without makeup no matter what.

  6. I would use any brand of the Bare Minerals. You don't have to buy the expensive stuff. Get a nice powder because you have beautiful skin you don't want to be heavy on the makeup. So a good powder that will give your face a pretty glow, a pretty rouge, nude or lipsticks in the brown family or just lipgloss and browns and pinks in the eye shadows.  

  7. i would say u need a power foundation to make it so ur skin isnt so oily and u wont look so shiny in all of the pics takin of you. and some mascara.

  8. some mascara and eyeshadow to bring out your eyes and just swipe some lip gloss across and your good to go

  9. well, you could try getting some beautiful greens & blues, so it could bring out your dark complexion & not too many neutrals. (:

    you could also get some eyeshadows with shimmer in them; that'll look gorgeous. :D

    i also recommend some medium pink to light red blush, and some clear lip gloss or one with some pink in it, but still sheer. [:

    hope i helped. <3

  10. darker skin tones such as yours looks good with (eye shadow) bright colors. like pink, yellow, or orange cause they really pop on your skin tone. as for lip gloss just use a pink tone or clear. no concealer is needed. : )


  11. plz try mac foundation ..#1 arch your eyebrows ,maybe some multi color purple eye shadow and mac lip gloss,plz change your hair and get a nice'll be fine+add some neutral color blush

  12. nothing bright.

  13. You really don't need any make-up. But use a thin line of black eyeliner on your upper-lid would define your eyes and facial structure. Any brand is fine. And some Victoria's Secret mascara too would be awesome!  

  14. I would suggest a copper shimmer eyeshadow and some black mascara. (:

  15. dark black eyeliner any kind

    some long lash mascara anything that helps ur lashes

    an eyelash curler..

    get a white eyeliner pencil for your eyeshadow..and some white eyeshadow powder...

    draw the white eyeliner right on your eyelid really close to your eyelashes then apply the white eyeshadow (powder kind) above the eyeliner kind...for a good look...

    also you should get some light pink lipgloss...

    or some clear lipgloss...

    maybe some glitter included in the eyeshadow will put a sparkle to your eye.

    also brown eyeshadows will look cute to go with your brown eyes thats what i wear!


  16. I would suggest L'oreal or almay.

  17. use a little powder since ur skin is a little shiny. other than that i think u can go natural. ur gorgeous!

  18. Go to Sephora and have them do your makeup. You don't have to buy anything (so expensive!) but the clerks are always ready to help.  

  19. no make up girl u have beautiful skin

  20. use a nude shimmery lipgloss (sry im not sure what brand)

    maybe alittle mascara and some black eyeliner

  21. Bare Minarals works great. it is powders that are good for your skin and it works great. Its a simple powder then maybe blush then on and on and on> its great and helps with breakouts.  

  22. dont use much

    maybe just some mascara

    but that doesn't mean that you actually need it xoxo

  23. the darkest shade

  24. I think the most you would need is a lip gloss, and one of the L'Oreal True Match Blushes in the darker range (if you even want a blush). You really don't need're naturally pretty :)

  25. You don't need any but L'Oreal HIP is good for darker skin tones.  I would get some mascara and a nice lip gloss in a pinky shade.

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