
What kind of man does this?

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He EMAILS his wife and tells her he wants a separation and that he wants her to take "some" things and go stay at her dad's? Then 24 hours later EMAILS her again and tells her that he wants her to call sunday so that they can figure out what they need to do?

Is he going to ask her for a divorce?

(and NO this is NOT ME...this is a family member of mine)




  1. The kind of man who does this is the "bossy kind".

    No, I don't think he's going to ASK her for a divorce, I think he is going to TELL her he is divorcing her.

  2. Your question is wrong it should be...

    What kind of little boy does this?

    This boy is not a man.

    Anyways to answer. He's a guy that found a new honey and cant be tied down with a marriage right now. He is going to ask for a divorce. Maybe they can do it over email.

    Wow this guys an @$$

    Im glad its not you going though this. Thats a cute baby :)

    Good Luck

  3. omg! he is cheating!  

  4. I am thinking they might be headed for a divorce.

  5. an irresponsible idiot man

  6. Sometimes email is best when people can’t speak to one another like adults. I’d say they’re headed for divorce and while I’m not a bid advocate for it, I’d say that this woman is better off.

    Who wants to be with someone who doesn’t love you like you love them?

    I think he sounds somewhat controlling telling her what to do and when. But that's just based upon what info you posted.

    Your family member deserves much better....

  7. he sounds like quite the coward, and I would say a divorce is in the future.

  8. yeah, and depending his wife this migth have been the best way, if posible you should sit down to talk about it

    but if you know that the two of you wont be able to and it will end in a shouting match, then either using mail, or lawyers to communicate through is a way to keep it clean

    so wheter he is a coward or actualy responsible mature depend upon which type of persons he and his wife is

    i am all for siting down talking about things, but if i know a person i have to talk to is unable to do it, or i belive so (rigth or wrongfully), then i will save us both the stress by going through other channels, some things just aint worth it, and there is one thing i have very little patience with and thats being screamed at to my face, i hate it...and its as unconstructive as it can get

    so yeah likely he is a coward, unless you know your friend easily get upset, in which case he is mature enough to realise sit down face to face is pointless

    there exsist such persons who to some seem the sweetest nature, but to those close to them they are totaly unreasonable, and incapable of talking in a mature maner, i know people its just not posible to reason with, the moment you start saying something they dont like they fly up into such a tantrum you cant get another word through, no explanation no nothing, and you will risk siting for hours listening to their shouting and screaming, where they even at times can try to stop you physicaly from leaving or retribute onto you by hiting or the like

    its persons that people who know them less would never guess they can turn like this on persons close to them, and sorry in such cases...well I just aint going to try them face to face something I know they wont like, cause they wont let you, and even if something didnt work out and you have to tell them something they dont like to hear, do not mean you deserve to take psychical and posible physical just dont

    in which case yes i would communicate something trough other means, be it mail or another person, because its the only way they will actualy listen to the whole message and hear you out, then when they had some time to cool down you can discuss it.

  9. i agree it sounds as if he's got someone else.

    this man, if that's what he calls himself is clearly a low life, to communicate with his wife via e-mail concerning their marriage is awful, it's an easy way out. this family member should of stayed in the house and confronted him on it, she has a right to be treated as a person with feelings not disregarded and disrespected in such an awful way. she needs to take control of the situation, it sounds as if this man is treating her like a door mat.


  11. It sounds like an idiot. A real man would sit down and confront her face to face.


  12. They are heading for divorce, but it might not be such a bad thing. Anyone who cant express this face to face, is nothing but a little b*****d

  13. wow he is not a man he is a coward! he need to grow up! he is a little kid! he can confront his responsibilities and be a man for once! i am sure your family member married a kid! good luck

  14. This guy doesn't know what he wants to do.

  15. It sounds like it's headed towards divorce. She should ask him what the problem is, maybe goi to marriage counseling.

    To divorce, best thing to do is see a lwayer, they'll handle it.

  16. Yes, like everyone else has said, it is a purile thing to do. It sounds like something happened between them. I can see from his side of things he is probably terrified to talk to her in person. Especially if he did something, or caught her doing something. Childish as it was, I can totally understand the fear part :/

  17. a man ..............who wants a divorce so you say

  18. Uh, yes, yes he is. Wait, maybe he just wants to have his mistress over for the weekend. Hm.  

  19. E-Mail huh?

    If he leaves her its clear she won't be losing anything of value, that's for sure.

  20. Only a chicken chit would email his wife telling her wants a separation....

  21. Sounds like he maybe having some company over this weekend, but still wants to keep her in arms length. Why would he have to call on Sunday? Wouldn't it make more sense to talk it out before she packs some of her things? Why doesn't he leave, he's the one who's not happy.

  22. Okay, I'll Tell you what kind of man does that a man who is scared to stand up for himself n it is highly possiable they may get a divorce n that may only be right for the women because there is ONLY 1 Women n ONLY 1 male in a marriage, NOT 2 Women in a marriage.

  23. A controlling idiot without balls who wants everything on his terms.

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