
What kind of math was your homeschooler learning in kindergarten?

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Counting? How high?

Number recognition? How high?


Other things???




  1. All of the above. You can also start to teach money and time.

  2. Well I didn't start homeschooling until a lot later, but I can tell you what kind of math I did in public school kindergarten. I, personally, was ahead of my age mates and already playing with multiplication and very small division. And I understood more complicated patterns and concepts than they were teaching in class, but I  can tell you what the class worked on to at least give you some ideas before other HSers answer.

    We did counting EVERY DAY. I hated it, but it was good for some kids. We'd count to 100 every day by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's. In our math books we'd do a lot of pattern recognition... Things like seeing a line of red circles alternating with blue triangles, and having to either draw or pick a red circle that goes in the blank after the blue circle. We did shape recognition as well, and patterns with numbers. I don't remember if we did addition and subtraction that early or not, but I'm going to guess that we did single digit stuff because I remember doing double and tripple digits in 1st grade. I say just start from the beginning and move ahead at his speed, not the speed of other homeschoolers. If he wants to multiply and talak about greater-than and less-than in kindergarten andif he's ready for it, let him.

  3. well he just fnished algebra 2 so were starting pre calc, but he's moving tḣrough pretty fast so we might just move on up to calculus.

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