Is there a section some where online where I can read up on this? I have a genetic condition, PCOS, for those that do not know what it is, its Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Its a result of insulin resistance, it just so happens that in women that their ovaries are sensitive to insulin receptors and it tosses your body out of wack in terms of hormone levels.
So for a female I guess I have more testosterone but need life long checks for cysts in my ovaries. I do not have to take any medications for it, just diet and exercise are especially important because it is so easy to become obese with this condition. BUT I have never seen an endocrinologist about it. In fact I just learned about it and since then I do not have health care. Doctors never told me I needed to see an endocrinologist specialist, instead it was always a female doctor, which doesn't make sense now that I have learned more about the condition.
I only have a blood work print out. I just noticed today that lots of messages on the boards were about health issues and it started to make me worry that I may be turned away over something like this.