
What kind of meds do they give you after surgery? like after a joint replacement?

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What kind of meds do they give you after surgery? like after a joint replacement?




  1. Mostly pain medicines like Vicodin or Percocet, but also anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen.

    They might also have you on a blood thinner (to prevent DVTs--blood clots in your leg) like Coumadin or Lovenox (injection) if you won't be up on your feet for a few days.

  2. I agree with Sean but, in the hospital I see a lot of people hooked up to PCA devices that deliver morphine IV.  On a PCA you push the button when you need the meds.  You can't overdose because it will stop giving meds once you reach the limit the Doctor has set.  Then they slowly take you off the PCA and give you oral pain meds.

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