
What kind of mental disorder is this that cops get?

by  |  earlier

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When a cop is continually on a beat where he is busting minorities all day every day and he eventually becomes somewhat racist towards all minorities of that color. However is still friends and trusts his partner who is of that race.

Or in short he works in a black neighborhood all the time and eventually gets a hatred for all blacks except for his partner who is also black.

I've heard it's somewhat of a mental disorder and it actually had a name, anyone know what it is?




  1. It's called jufyyrliuoyh9ll syndrome.  Now, don't hold back on us, John Troll ... tell us what you really think!  Your thinly disguised rant identifies your weak attempt to cause a negative reaction or to get folks riled up.  I hope no-one takes your trolling seriously and recognized it for what it is.  You are one sad individual!!

  2. its called us against the world

  3. I don't think it's mental maybe not even racism sounds like he's tired of busting the same People,in the same Place,doing the same Things everyday,he needs to work another neighborhood or some other form of police work....Blessings Yahoo

  4. Stop reading stupid sh*t.  There is no such thing.  However there is something call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that happens after stressful situations.  This happens to cops, firefighters, military, other emergency staff, etc...

  5. Yes  Racisim.

  6. The first answer guy....stfu and stop blaming the world for your problems

  7. It's called a myth...

    What you may be confusing this "mental disorder" with is cynicism.

    I work a largely Hispanic neighborhood. I meet folks who are victims, and who are offenders. I meet people who are good, those who are bad, and those who are indifferent.

    I make my judgments on folks (cops included) not on the color of the skin, or their last name, or their choice of profession; I make the judgment based upon their actions and on the content of their character.

    I love the way people love to stereotype all cops as acting as particular way (as you have in this question)...yet love to accuse us of doing the same.

  8. It's called "Bullsh*t".

    And it was "Discovered" by a psychologist that can't comprehend that a lot of people can tell the difference between a thug and a good person.

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