
What kind of mental illnesses do my step dad have?

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My step dad refuses to see that he is severly bipolar. He also always has to be right (even if he doesn't have any idea what hes talking about). He can go off at any little thing, without even being upset his presence just drains everyone of happiness. He feeds on power and fear. He is Sexist & Raceist and always has to be correct. If you dont agree with his close minded DUM *** opionions you are " A piece of sh*t " , "scum of the earth" & ect,..... He doesn't curse unless he is upset or is trying to lower someones self esteam. He can't stand when i curse, even when i say d**n. He goes on and on screaming blaming other people even if it is clearly his fault, he won't let it go. He psychologicaly abuses everyone hes around and it's time it's stopped.




  1. The symptoms you are describing don't sound like bipolar, but that is not the issue here.  I would suggest that you seek out some counseling to help you come to terms with your step father.  Unless he gets help himself, he's not going to change, so you need to take control of your life and find a way to focus on yourself and not your step father.  Can you get your mother to come to therapy with you?  Maybe then she can be the one to convince your step father that he has issues he needs to work out himself.  Good Luck!

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