
What kind of mental problem is this called?

by  |  earlier

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There is a kid in my neighborhood that we nicknamed "Dimwit". He is obviously retarded and throws rocks at us when we call him that. He looks like a lot of other retarded kids I see on TV. I think there is a medical name for it but I can't think of it. He's fat, has a big forehead and lips and a straight hair cut. Thanks




  1. He has downs syndrome and you need to be jumped and pummeled. I hope you get what you deserve. Karma is gonna mess with you you jerk.

  2. It sounds like the child with Down's Syndrome is not the retarded one on your block, kiddo.

    Quit being evil and try making friends with him. You're hurting him and breaking his parents' hearts, not to mention showing you aren't so bright yourself.

  3. I don't know the name of the syndrome you describe and I'm not going to bother to look it up but what I'm going to tell you is that you and your friends need to learn to respect others, please stop making fun of this kid and get a life!!!

  4. WOW how nice to call a child with a handicap a dimwit. If it was down syndrome you would know. Its so nice to see people picking on the mentally ill. How would you feel if your child was sick and the neighbors called him dimwit. or worse.  

  5. karma will bite you, dimwit

  6. You're kidding right? Normally I'd try an say something funny, but honestly, you're a horrible person. Who are you to make fun of a child with a mental handicap? I'm sure you're just perfect.

    and yes it sounds like he has down syndrome, punk.  

  7. Most likely called Down's Syndrome. Don't pick on him he can't help it.

  8. thats a horrible thing to call someone with difficulties...

    does he have down syndrome?

    and to the person tht said this...

    "Nature doesn't let those type of people live. His idiot parents no doubt will let him breed, which should be illegal."

    sounds like your the one that shouldnt be allowed to breed!! what a horrible thing to say! who are you to say who should or shouldnt have children?

  9. The lad has Downs Syndrome, Be careful, you may have children one day, and anyone can have one of those special children with downs.SO BE WARNED not to make fun of anyone different.

  10. Nature doesn't let those type of people live. His idiot parents no doubt will let him breed, which should be illegal.

    "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..."

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