
What kind of messages are you trying to send our youth? Win at all cost?

by  |  earlier

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In your soccer commercial there is no sportsmanship. The parents are shown as aggressive, because of their selfishness. I hate the message you are teaching our children. Where are your values? Do you need the money that bad? If you do make more attractive commercials instead of making people angry.




  1. lmao, who or what is this question aimed at, no one here makes advertisements

  2. WTF are you talking about.

    if you're concerned about what the kids are learning watch kids shows, like ******* spongebob, seeing that, and seeing kids watch that scares the p**s outta me.

    lazy town on the other hand is a great show :)

  3. By "your" i assume your generalizing Americans. I doubt there is such an advertisement as marketers know what reels audience and customers in--anger is not one of those qualities.

    "Where are your values? Do you need money that bad?" No. I don't need money. My values and morals are high thank-you very much. =)

    "I hate the message you are teaching 'our' children." Sorry hun, but they are apparently my children too lol.

  4. I'm sure there's a point here somewhere, I just can't seem to find it.

  5. I made that soccer commercial especially to pi$$ you off.  I'm glad it worked.  But seriously, what the h**l are you talking about?

  6. I don't recall ever making a soccer commercial

  7. I am not sure what messages alot of companies are trying to get out but good ads sell products and bad commercials also sell products  so in effect you  also promote these commercials even tho you seem to consider yourself without without blame.

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