
What kind of money should I bring to Cuba?

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I'm going on vacation to Cuba and have heard from different people that I should bring CDN money and told USD by other people. Can someone please clarify????




  1. not USD, there is an embargo - still.

  2. As an experienced traveller there I would recommend only CDN, British Pounds or Euro. Never USD! You will get robbed by the exchange rate & the tax on the conversion.

  3. Euros.

  4. If you're coming from Canada, just bring CAD money. USD is accepted in Cuba but you will be charged a fee, whereas with CAD, Sterling, Euros, (Mex.) Pesos do not get charged.

    As well, be sure that if you take any travellers' cheques and credit cards, they MUST be from a Canadian financial institution. If from a US-based company, they won't accept them.

    The links below will give you printable information for you to keep on hand.

    A little piece of sure to get a receipt EVERY time after each transaction of money exchange. Some tourists have been ripped off a little if you're not watching...yes, there will always be someone out there trying to get a little 'something'...but if there's a receipt given, you'll know for sure that the CUC given to you is exactly as should be with the daily rate.

    Have a great trip!

    *edit: just to make sure there is no misunderstanding about the receipt's only meant as a precautionary measure to take as it happen everywhere....not an insult (or untruth).

    And USD are accepted for exchange...not for use when purchasing items as is with all foreign funds there.

  5. Not USD.

    You will need to change money to CUC - Cuban convertible pesos. If you change USD, you get hit with a penalty 10%.

    So bring CDN, euros, GBP.

  6. Agree with all the answers above. Just wanted to add that any currency you bring will have to be exchange to Cuban Convertible Pesos.

    If you are staying in Varadero you can bring Euros with you. You can pay with Euros in Varadero. This way you won't have to pay fees to exchange from any currency to CUC (the cuban convertible)

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