
What kind of monitor do you use?

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  1. 24 inch LCD

  2. LCD/TFT... Samsung 732w 17"..its far better than CRT... but it seems a little dark at some times.. also it can be viewed only straight unlike crt bcoz viewing frm the side gives u a dark screen..

  3. LCD has a clearer dislpay thats why i use it

  4. TFT (i'm gonna get one soon)

    CRT has become old now and it causes a lot of eye strain. So TFT is better than CRT. TFT/LCD are almost the same.

  5. Samsung LCD 21"

  6. Dell. It is the least expensive and very reliable

  7. I use CRT monitor. But I would advice anyone to go for LCD as they have faster refreshing rate and consumes less energy than CRTs. Playing games is whole lot of experience in LCDs.

  8. LCD...

    LCD was better than the other 2...i guess

  9. Dell 19 inch flat.

  10. CRT, and I wont be 'upgrading' anytime soon. I dont like LCDs at all.

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