
What kind of motorcycle should I get to impress the girls, sports bike or cruiser?

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im gonna be a junior in high school next year and im getting a motorcycle for sure. i live in south cal so what type of bike would it take to pick up one of those hot beach chicks that go to my school? you know, those real preppy, hot, mean chicks, lol.




  1. If you are getting a motorcycle to impress girls, you are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of operating one.

    Not to mention you will have barely even been driving, so knowing the road and how others drive and how to react are skills you won't even have in a car, let a lone being able to execute them on a bike.

  2. Jr. High School ????  Why don't you work on getting a license 1st ?  Then worry about what kind of bike you are going to buy.

  3. That is a lame excuse for getting a motorcycle, but a cruiser is easier and more comfortable riding two up on.

  4. I would start with a job first.

  5. A motorcycle is dangerous as I'm sure your sick of hearing, it's not something an inexperienced person of the road should be considering so young.

    Find a way to sneak some booze to these girls. Sadly, it's probably safer, but you'd get their attention.

  6. Well I'll say this: you will regret having met any girl that paid attention to you because of your motorcycle.

    If I had a big gold chain or a wallet full of money, and some s***k was like all "OOOOO a big gold chain and a fat wallet!" then THAT s***k would be the last one I'd actually want.

    You actually desire a girl who would be impressed by your ride?


    I hated Jr. High because of all the focus on whether or not I was "cool" or whether or not my clothes were right or whether or not this or whether or not that. HATED it. If someone had told me to freakin just chill and focus on being a decent person and not being all materialistic and shallow, the whole experience would have been easy and fun. No one told me that. All the grown-ups just grumbled at me and said "get good grades" and I... dude it just sucked.  So I'm here to tell you, man:

    s***w impressing people

    Because it's not YOU doing the impressing- it's the stuff you have. Your dog. Your pants. Your bike. YOU want to be the thing that impresses them, not your s**z.

  7. Chances are the sports bike is going to get more looks, but it's going to be up to you to break the ice and start the conversation. Having a nice bike is definately a good ice breaker.

  8. i say a sports bike :)

  9. Depends on the girl your trying to impress. But really, get what you want. It will be your bike.

  10. cruiser...

    you can do alot of stuff on a sports bike BY YOURSELF... but they are extremely uncomfterable for the passanger...  

  11. Ur gettin a bike for the wrong reason dude. Chicks will ride whatever you get if they are going to ride at all. If you get a sport(organ donor)bike your riding options are limited but if you get a cruiser you can do more and ride in comfort. Just my opinion.I have driven both.

  12. sports bike

  13. neither a long loud low chopper is the way ta go.

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