
What kind of movie is going to beat Titanic?

by Guest10803  |  earlier

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So The Dark Knight is extremely close to beating Titanic in the box office, but if it doesn't what movie will?

Don't get me wrong, Titanic is my all time favorite movie, watched it in theaters the day it came out and I own two box sets.. got them when they first came out! 10 years and its still on top... freakin amazing!

What genre, what topic, remake or original, what producer or director is going to beat it?




  1. I don't really think any movie is going to top Titanic because that one scene is so famous...nobody can top it.  

  2. Well, I thought The Dark Knight had a chance, but it doesn't look like it's going to quite do the job.  Maybe something similar in subject, but only time will tell.

  3. Dark Knight will beat it in the box office but Titanic will always be iconic because of the various scenes that are still being parodied about it and also the hit song that went with it. Dark Knight is too dark a movie to have scenes played out of it. I saw both and much preferred Dark Knight. I disagree that

    Twilight will surpass it. This movie will  have limited appeal.

    Although it is well know through the teenager/twenties population it is unlikely that it would hold young children or older adults interest long enough to get them to put down the money to go see it. The books only sold to the teens/twenties mainly. I had never even heard of it until I saw it talked about here a few months ago.

  4. I honestly believe that when it comes out on November 21st i think that Twilight will beat Titanic. The books made the top seller list so why wouldn't the movie? All girls will go to see how incredibly well Rob Pattinson plays the incredibly Hot Edward Cullen and all the guys should go to take notes on how to be Edward Cullen to get the girls. So why wouldn't it beat Titanic!?!?!

  5. stars at noon

  6. I think based on the sales and all, nothing beats it. But if the story is being talked about, Dark Knight, I guess. Besides, DK is not a love / true story after all.

  7. even if The Dark Knight does beat it in amount of money it wont beat in amount of ticket sales, cuz the price of tickets have went up so much since then...

    But, I love The Dark Knight!!!



  8. a tear-jerker that spends an unforgivable amount on special effects. Something that builds a lot of hype but lives up to that hype. I was surprised that Return of the King didn't surpass it, and am hoping that The Dark Knight does.


  10. I don't think it will ever be beaten...I mean obviously it will be eventually but right now i can't think of any upcoming films that could beat it.  

  11. Nothing. I think Titanic is an awesome movie and I love the love story part of it. I havent seen another movie that has made me feel that emotional for the characters since that movie. I heart it.

  12. if the dark knight doesnt then idk what will, so many people saw that movie, just me alone saw it 7 times.

  13. I'm sure some movie will take in as much or more money than Titanic eventually, but as far as ticket sales I don't think anything will ever beat it. Even if Dark Knight were to overtake Titanic in gross, they still wouldn't have them beat in ticket sales, given that the cost of tickets has gone up so much in the last 10 years.

    Factoring in today's higher admission prices, "The Dark Knight" would need to take in about $900 million to match the number of tickets sold by "Titanic."

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