
What kind of news stories affect you most?

by  |  earlier

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1. Massive Tragedies (airline crashes, bus crashes, terrorist bombings...)

2. Sad Child Related Stories (abductions, abuse, illness, neglect...)

3. Social Corruption (immigration chaos, employment issues,...)

4. Government Scandals (embezzlement, NHS funding, inadequate prison system,...)

5. Economic Issues (British Gas Price Hikes, Petrol Prices, Property Market Decline,)

6. Celebrity News (Jade's Cancer News, Morgan Freeman's Car Accident, Tom Cruise Scientology Insanity...)

7. Politics (Obama v Bush, Brown v. Cameron, Boris Johnson...)




  1. 1,2,3,4,5,7 They all affect me in my life, but the ones that get to me the most, are 1 and 2.

  2. 2.   Children are the most defenseless

  3. 1. Massive Tragedies (airline crashes, bus crashes, terrorist bombings...)

    I hate hearing about loss of life

    I also detest news about gang culture, knife crime, robberies and beatings against the elderly.

    The world is becomming bombarded with this sort of behavior.

    Tougher sentancing for children doing the crimes and their parents will deter this.

  4. 1.  These things happen.

    2.  Makes me want to extend my arms around them all, take them away from their troubles and bring them to a sanctuary where they can grow up laughing, loved and confident to handle everything thrown at them.

    3.  Deeply.  When society starts to break down or go nasty, I have a deep terror inside me for me and for everyone I care for.  I have witnessed this myself in the last few days right here on N&E > CE to the point where I am considering closing down my participation here.

    4.  Related to 3. since in a democracy society chooses the Government, and if it is not a democracy then society is in trouble.  Anger that they can't give me a job in the Civil Service to help sort it out.

    5.  Like the weather - the normal swings and roundabouts of the market.  Thoughts as to how to avoid the worst troubles, and keep the wolf from the door. Related to 3. if the economic troubles are caused by inadequate control of the fat cats.

    6.  Near total ignorance.  Never heard of most of them.

    7.  If a politician is capable of addressing worries in 3, 4 or 5, then I am interested and will support the politician all the way.  Most toe the line and are incapable of resolving anything.

  5. Number 2. I have two children of my own and it hurts to see other children in pain or trouble. I am glued to the Caylee Anthony case. I want to know what happened to that beautiful little girl.  

  6. all except celebrity goss',they deserve all they get! the price of fame etc.etc

  7. At the moment it´s the Madrid crash because I was there and I saw the smoke and the aftermath.

    I am constantly reading and watching the news and I have felt physically sick since Wednesday.

  8. 2  Sad child related.  

    I just can't take sad stories about children, they are so defenceless and I seldom can finish reading it all.  These stories affect me so badly.  : -- (

  9. 6.

  10. News  about  Israel  always  catches  my  attention.

    At  the  moment,  I  am  concerned  about  the  Presidential  election.  

    Celebrity  news  amuses  me.

    And  finally,  major  breakthrus  in  health  treatments,  meds,  etc.  

    I  hate  listening/watching  news  about  racial  strife,  etc.  

    Also,  I  refuse  to  watch  some  of  the  major  elite  channels  for  news  as  they  "spin"  the  truth  and  don't  report  acurately.

  11. Top of the list:

      (1)  Child Related stories -

       - Vulnerable innocent children who are being abuse, hurt, helpless indeed  etc.  Very sad for me stories like this.

    (2)  Massive Tragedies stories -

       - Tragedies that involved massive number of innocent people like plane crash, sinking ship, war/ bombings  etc.  Sad indeed.

      (3)  Crime Related Issues  -

       -  People who are victims of such hideous crimes. Blood, death, torture   etc.  Waste of life.    

  12. A bit of all of them.

    1. Sad and makes you count yourself lucky it's not you & yours.

    2. Just terrible for the children & families involved. You can't believe some of the stuff you hear.

    3. Immigration - Major bugbear. Especially when our Government tell us that mass immigration has not had a negative effect on Britain and British culture and tradition. - THIS IS  A LIE.

    4. MY MONEY & here I am scratching about to pay my bills !!

    5. Sh*t ! How am I going to cope with that. What can I sacrifice to cover the excess costs

    6. Freaks. Everyone loves a side show.

    7. Labour OUT !


  13. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.

    Celebrities can go f ck themselves. As can the muppets who buy those stupid magazines.

    Btw you also forgot environmental stories.

  14. All of the above but the one that incenses me is number 2  it makes me extremely angry to the point of boiling.

  15. Number 2 causes me genuine physical distress.

    As for all the others it's more if I feel there has been an injustice. It the one thing absolutely guaranteed to press my button.

    So whereas a huge disaster is awful it's sometimes just that ' an accident' and life is all chance and circumstance however sad it is. But if the disaster has occurred through incompetence or whatever reasons I feel very very different.

    Ditto for all the others.

    Apart from 6. I don't give a flying F.

  16. Latest News-

  17. the first two mostly

    ive been upset the past two days over a second child within one year in my hometown died in a hot car and it looks like this parent will get off without a charge just like the first one did. these get me the most, but 9/11 is a bad thought too

  18. Little children and the elderly Actually anything that is tragic

  19. sob stories.

  20. tick all the above  

  21. You forgot stories about orphaned baby whales - which the whole of Australia seems to have gone crazy over.

  22. True mate, the orphaned whale.

    Any injustices where someone will not easily remedy something by pulling their finger out of the place where the sun don't shine, and a solution found promptly.

    I hate murderers!

  23. 1, 2, 6 thats about it really

    Although 5 is relevant after finding out my gas and electric are going up AGAIN!!

  24. None of the above. Just one word : POVERTY!

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