
What kind of noise does an owl make?

by  |  earlier

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  1. it says hooot

  2. tweet twoo

  3. like hoot man

  4. toowit towoo

  5. Hoo Hoo


    Ahh ahh

  6. Twit to wwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooo

  7. hoo hoo hoo

  8. tweet twool!

  9. Little owls screech. They are also known as screech owls.

    Tawny owls hoot. The male goes "too wit too woo" and the female answers with five short hoots.

    IIRC, barn owls don't vocalise.

  10. one english species the male goes twit and the female goes tawo so the know where each other are

  11. the noise a singing boy band member makes when he holds his hand out to the camera like some lovesick puppy


  12. Owls hoot but we often say 'T-wit-t-woo' for kids.

  13. Ooo Hoo, or aaahh aaahh

  14. some of them hoot

    and some of them screech

    and some just eat ice cream

    and lay on the beach.....

  15. er... 2 wit..2 woo,  2 wit...2 woo....2 wit...2 woo

    now I feel a 2wit (twit) to woo (you)...

    Caramac x

  16. It doesn't go outside when its raining because its

    too wet to woo

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