
What kind of nuts do i put in cinnamon rolls?

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I need help what kind of nuts do you put in cinnamon rolls.




  1. Either walnuts or pecans would be my choice.  Just chop them into fine pieces.  :)

  2. Because it is in soft bread you need to use a soft nut such as pecan or walnut.  

    Also I would put them more in the sticky part at the bottom of the pan and less right into the bread.  

    Cinnamon rolls often don't have nuts.  Sticky buns have nuts or fruit.  

  3. You can really use whatever nuts suit you.  I would use pecans myself but why not macadamia's or hazlenuts?  No hard and fast rule on this stuff.

  4. pecans.

  5. In Louisiana, we put pecans in them.

  6. pecans or hazelnuts go great with cinnamon

  7. walnuts.

  8. None.  

  9. I like pecans, but almonds or walnuts would be fine too.....

  10. i prefer pecan but will use black walnuts

  11. pecans or walnuts

  12. Pecans! Toasted...

    1package (1/4 ounce) active dry yeast

    1cup warm water (105° to 115°F)

    1/2cup plus 2 tablespoons honey, divided

    1/3cup nonfat dry milk powder

    1egg, lightly beaten

    1-1/2cups bread flour

    1teaspoon salt

    3tablespoons butter, melted and cooled

    1cup whole-wheat pastry flour

    1to 1-1/2 cups oat flour or barley flour

    1/2cup chopped toasted pecans

    3tablespoons butter, softened

    1/4cup firmly packed light brown sugar

    2teaspoons ground cinnamon

    Preparation: 1.Sprinkle yeast over water in large bowl; stir to dissolve. Add 2 tablespoons honey, milk powder and egg; stir. Add bread flour, a little at a time, stirring briskly with large spoon after each addition. Beat mixture 100 times or until very smooth, using spoon to stretch mixture up to incorporate air. Let dough rest, covered, 10 to 15 minutes.

    2.Fold in salt and 3 tablespoons melted butter into dough. (Do not cut or tear dough, as this will lessen elasticity and rising ability.) Sprinkle dough with remaining flours, 1 cup at a time, folding wet mixture from side of bowl over top of flours. Continue folding in flour until dough is thick and heavy and does not stick to side of bowl. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Scrape bowl clean; add scrapings to dough.

    3.Knead dough with floured hands 10 to 15 minutes or until smooth and elastic, adding small amounts of flour as needed to prevent sticking. Shape dough into ball; place in large greased bowl. Turn over to grease surface. Cover with clean, damp towel. Let rise in warm, draft-free place about 1 hour or until doubled in size.

    4.Meanwhile, spread remaining 1/2 cup honey evenly in bottom of 9-inch square baking pan; sprinkle with pecans. Set aside.

    5.Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Punch down dough. Shape into 1/4-inch-thick rectangle; spread with 3 tablespoons softened butter. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up into log; cut into 9 equal pieces. Place rolls, cut sides down, in pan. Cover with clean, damp towel; let rise 20 to 30 minutes.

    6.Preheat oven to 350°F. Bake about 30 minutes or until golden brown and rolls sound hollow when tapped. Cool slightly; invert onto serving plate.

  13. Almonds, pecans or walnuts would taste the best.

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