i brought him from a pet shop that was trying to feed him to a much large fish but was fighting back. he dose not have much color on him, he is a pale pink with grey/black spots on his gills and one on his tail. on all his fins he has small black spots. i have looked on the net for some answers but it only show ur typical tiger, albino and the more common ones. he is still a baby and is only about 1 to 2 inches. he is very lively and gets a long great with my baby blue acara. i have never owned an oscar before and would like to know how often do i have to feed him. he is eating blood worms, pellets and some of the flakes i put in for the acara but is always coming to the top of the tank looking for more food. the pet shop said he had been in their tanks now for 4 months and no-one wanted him so they were going to kill him by feeding him to the other fish. thank you for any help u can give me