
What kind of outlets are in jamaica??

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can someone tell me if the outlets in jamaica are the same as in the united states? or do i have to buy converters for them?




  1. they are the same.

  2. Standard 3 prong outlets

  3. They look the same, but the voltage is slightly different. You wont need a converter but you may need a bit of caution.

    Jamaica= 110v, 50 cycles

    U.S.A. = 120v, 60 cycles

    In most cases, devices will work fine, but you should always remember that there is a difference that can cause damage if you really push your electronics too hard.

    Anything that uses a motor (fans, tape decks) or that amplifies power (hifi speaker systems) is particularly susceptible to damage when you have them under heavy use with the wrong type of electricity.

  4. The outlets in Jamaica are the same as the U.S.

  5. No they are not the same, you will need a converter, but I've never seen one. I would take a watch too, the hotels I've stayed in don't have clocks in the rooms.

  6. Same


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