
What kind of paint do you use for painting a boat? also can you?

by Guest10658  |  earlier

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spray in some type of non stick surface onto the floor of a boat?




  1. top or bottom of boat

  2. Best is allgrip> emron> Lacquer> enamel>All must be sprayed>Roll the deck with fine sand in it>

  3. Is this a fiberglass boat or an old wooden boat?

    If it is fiberglass, you really should have a boat Gelcoated to permanently adhere to the hull.  This should eliminate any need for reapplication of anything IF you reguarly maintain the Gelcoat by removing oxidation, regularly waxing the hull, and covering the boat when dry and not in use.

  4. Use Imron paint made by DuPont. It is an extremely durable poly-urethane enamel.

    I don't know about the non stick surface.

  5. you mean nonSKID right? nonSTICK on the floor of a boat is accidents waiting to happen.

    you didn't say whether you're painting the hull, decks, bottom, topsides of the boat. For the bottom, the highest copper content you can manage. For the hull, awlgrip or Imron are great, but are fussy to apply and shouldn't be attempted until you are sure you know what you're doing. something like Perfection or Brightside will work reasonably well with only reasonable talent. for the deck try something like Interdeck. you can do the 'sand in paint' method, but it's hard to make it look good.

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