
What kind of parent are you?

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Of course you're good! But are you laissez faire or strict? And in your opinion, what's the best way to be?

We never punished ours, not once. We talked a lot and shared a lot. Now they are grown and we are best friends as well as their Mum and Dad.

They did really well too. Both graduated from Uni with honours, both doing great in really successful creative careers. Never once took drugs, or even got drunk. So I know what I think... what about you?




  1. I'm a mix of strict and laid back. I am very strict about where they go without me, and visiting friends houses that I don't know, eating too much junk, etc.

    I never have to be strict about grades because they are both little *perfectionists* about school. They do their chores and what is asked of them and have really great manners.

    I can't really remember any big punishments. They had some time outs when they were little. My oldest lost computer game privileges for a day once, for attitude.. but other than that, we talk to them, too. I want to understand and fix things and help them instead of barking orders.

    We just want to live life happily and healthy. We want them to have a good life and come to us even when they make mistakes- no matter if it disappoints us or not. We're still on their side. We're a team.

  2. I am a parent that gives my kids boundries, love and praise

  3. My parents are neither "laissez-faire" nor strict. My mom believes that a parents job is to guide their children into being the best people they can become.  Negative actions lead to negative consequences, not punishments.

    We talk about everything, and if I disagree with something, I can talk to my parents and we find a fair solution that makes everyone happy. I am treated as a human being, regardless of my age, and we trust and respect each other completely.

    I do well in school, and I've never even gotten so much as a detention. Everyone marvels at how great my sister and I are, and I'll admit, it's entirely because of my parents.

    I've never been punished either, though I did get consequences (both positive and negative). It may not seem it, but the distinction is important. A punishment is a way to hurt me because I made a mistake. A consequence is a learning opportunity.

    One of the most important parts of my parents' parenting style is the trust. My parents trust me to help make my own decisions, and to make good decisions. They trust me to do the right thing, without spying on me, or micromanaging my life, and I work hard to maintain that trust.

    I love my parents, and they are two of my best friends because of everything they have done for me. I talk to my mom about everything, and I'm 17, so I think that's saying something. I plan to parent the same way.

  4. Mine are babies... however with my 3 year old I'm some where in the middle.. I'm her friend more then a parent until she starts to act up then I become the disciplinary. I don't think there is a best way to be a parent.. everyone has their own life style and to be honest I believe to an extent we live how our parents did... I.E. You grow up in a very nice house with new cars you will have the very nice house with the new cars... If you grow up poor you will live poor.. This of course is a stereo type but it true most of the time

  5. Honestly, that's a difficult question to answer. I have a 7 year old daughter who I tried my best to take care and discipline. It always breaks my heart when I scold her for misbehaving. I feel she's really sorry but hey she's just a kid. I remember how much I hated my Dad when he punishes me severely for the things I did. I never forgave him for it. Someone told me that we don't own our kids. Being a parent is extremely tough and I learn things everyday. I pray that I would become a good father because one day she will go on her own and I can only cherish the days I had her. My suggestion is that you have to learn together to be a good parent and a good child. Have good memories with your kid because he or she will not be a kid forever. Hope I helped a little.

  6. You have to be a mixture of both.  You have to know when to be strict and when you can be lax.  We set rules for our kids and if they break the rules they know they will have a consequence (always).  I am strict about behavior and respect.  When it comes to other things like how much video games or tv or excusing a chore here and there I am much more flexible.

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