
What kind of parent could even think of doing something so horrible?

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These people have to be the lowest scum of the earth. I hope they lock them up and throw away the key:

What kind of punishment would be enough for cooking up such an unthinkable scheme? Or do you think the punishment won't be severe at all, since (thank God) they were stopped before they were able to follow through?




  1. I hope they do some serious time plus have the kids taken away permanently Plus the court should have them sterilized so that there is no chance of the ever having children again having children is not a right but a  privilege.

  2. Obviously not a very good set of parents.  I trust there is a special h3ll for people like this.

  3. That absolutely disgusts me. What kind of mother could ever do that to her own children? These people deserve a lot more than just some jail time. How about we send them into East St. Louis and have a free gang-bang for them. It's sick.

  4. That is just disgusting, how could anyone be this sick.  I hope and pray that they don't get off easy just because they were stopped (just the idea alone is enough to lock them up for good)

  5. this is the kind of thing that makes me wonder why good hearted deserving people have trouble concieving and yet for some reason this woman could. i am so disgusted. the worst part is that i doubt they will get the punishment they deserve. terrible, just terrible.

  6. that is absolutely disgusting. i just can't believe anyone would even THINK of doing that to their own child! i have a daughter (3 months old) and reading this makes me want to never ever let her out the house when she gets older.

    i think that, even tho they weren't able to follow through, they should rot in jail for the rest of their lives with all the convicts who have kids and can't see them. i would love to see how they'd (the other convicts) react knowing they (the parents from h**l) tried to use/sell their daughter like that...

    and them going to h**l isn't punishment enough for what they tried to do to an innocent girl.

  7. believe me prison will be much better than killing them they hate s*x offenders in there! they will pay especially to do it to their own fu@%in disgusting!!! death is to good for them!

  8. She should be sterilized and he should be castrated (if possible w/o anesthetics)

    Then they should go to jail and all the other inmates should be told of their (intented) crimes. That'll teach them about being at the mercy of others who are bigger and stronger.

    Grrrrr, I'm furious now!

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