
What kind of parent is this?

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From the age of 7 up until about 13 my dad was very distant from me. We still lived in the same house, see each other nearly everyday and stuff. But between those ages he would just come home from work and go into his room and slam the door. If he found me inside his room he would be irritated. He was incredibly and still is irritable and moody. Because of this, I'm very distant from him today. We hardly speak even when we happen to bump into each other and he is in 1 of his brighter moods. I only see him about 3 to 4 times a day. because when Im aroudn him it very akward, i try my best to shorten as much as possible our meeting by going to my room. I dunno I just don't like being aroudn him now it feels awkard. About 4 years ago while he was still married to my mom. HE went and married this one widow and adopted her 2 kids. This angered and shook my dad and moms marriage. It also annoyed my brother and I. My dad and my mom are married still but he is ALSO married to this one woman. Despite the fact that his married to this one widow, he does not engage in any sexual act with her. Becaue of the situation my fmaily is in my mom COULD NOT divorce him, she is only in this marriage for her kids. She has said so many times herself and if you were familiar with our family you would understand. My dad does support the family well tho, he gives the kids all they want and pays expensive school fees (we go private school) and works freking long shifts. However EVERY SINGLE one of his family problems are caused by himself, looking back. Do you want a father like this? Would you hate him?

We are not mormon. My dad lives with 2 wives.




  1. It is against the law.  Report him.

  2. u r lucky

  3. I think I would say I hate him to everyone that asked me this

    but I'd always wonder how he feels about me, like if his decision to get a second family was because me, and the rest of the first wasn't good enough. I would probably hate him for hurting my mother though, and i think you should [if not now then later when you get older] sit him down and vent it alll out to him and ask him how he would feel if he went out and brought in another dad to live with?  

  4. while i am very sorry for your childhood, im not sure what you want viwers to say .. this sounds more like a rhetorical question, are we just supposed to help complain , are you just venting , or what?

  5. It sounds like both of your parents are only in the relationship to hold your family unit together. Neither one of them is happy. But what your dad has done is illegal. Bigamy is not legal in the United States. If your mother really wanted that other marriage to end, she could easily have it annulled and have that other family removed from your home.

    It sounds to me as if your father suffers from depression due to having to be part of a family he never really wanted. So, no I would not want to be in your shoes with such a horrible father.

    p.s. If your mother stays with him because of how well he supports the family, you should help her look into a good divorce lawyer. She could end up receiving child support and alimony that is equal to or better than the support you guys already receive. I think that bringing up his second illegal marriage would do a lot to help her case in front of a judge, too.

  6. You have a c**p dad, put up with it while he is paying for your Education then cut him out of your life. May as well use the situation to your advantage.

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