
What kind of parents would name their kid s*x Fruit?

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I'd just hate to be that kid when they find out what it means.




  1. Haha, I wondered the exact same thing when I saw that article earlier today. I've heard some pretty terrible name choices...but s*x Fruit stuck out to me even more than "Talula Does The Hula" did. When did it become popular to invent the most damaging/difficult to pronounce/grotesquely misspelled name possible?...

  2. Oh I saw that too!

    I was talking about this to a friend. How do you approach this person for a date? Or call out their name?

    "Hey s*x Fruit, would go on a date with me?"


    "Number 16 Bus Shelter please come to window 3."


    "Hey Fish and Chips, what do you want for dinner?"

  3. Tulah does the Hula from Hawaii's parents or the people who'd give  the unemployed, dependent, freeolder 21 y/o who wants to become a foster mom as a job, their kid.

  4. Its disgusting is what it is. Cruel and heartless. They obviously couldn't care less about the child.

  5. What does s*x fruit mean then?

  6. Incests.

  7. I honestly believe with some parents that they forget that the name your give the child determines everything to come in life. Discrimination comes in many different shapes and forms. I know for a fact that if your name horrid that it can actually disable that person from entering the corporate world. The name you give a child seals their future. Some people sabotage their children without even realizing it. It's very sad.

  8. HA! I read your question and immediately knew where it came from. I thought the same thing when I read that article.

    At least the officials had enough sense to say no way!

    I couldn't even imagine naming my dog that. C'mon!

    I am all for freedom of speech and people being creative with kids names but I guess I never realized that parents like to torture their kids.

  9. i love that article as depressing as it is. but remember, s*x fruit got rejected. but seriously, who could look at their sweet newborn and name it s*x fruit? ridiculous and irresponsible.

  10. Cruel parents.....  It's sad.

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