
What kind of peircing would look best on my face?

by Guest56755  |  earlier

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i was thinking of getting a facial peircing, and i was wonder what you guys think would look best on my face.

theses are some that i liked: labret, snake bites, eyebrow, double eyebrow (two peircing in one eyebrow so you can put a helix in), septum, and just a regular nose piercing.

heres a pic:




  1. I honestly can't see any on your face. Maybe a tongue piercing? You just seem really "natural".

  2. Eyebrows are horrible on girls in my opinion.

    You however would look adorable with a center labret.

  3. nose piercing

  4. i think a labret would look best.

  5. your face is not really for piercings :|

  6. Which is the most recent picture of you? Is it the ones with the shorter colored hair? or the long brown hair? If its with the colored hair, something unusual but cute, like medusa, or monroe, maybe even bridge..with the long natural hair probably the regular nose or a single side lip piercing. Good luck!..and If you don't like what you get, take it out and move on to the next one =]

  7. medusa is under the center of your nose, in that little dip above your lip. Personally, and this isn't because I'm against facial piercing ( I had 7 ) or that you look young, because it's your face, your choice... I don't think that they will look right on your face. Septum i would say for sure no. snake bites, i wouldn't do it. maybe your labret, but that's about as far as I'd go, doll. best of luck!

  8. a medusa. it is between your upper lip and nose. it is unique i know it sounds weird but it is really pretty look up some pictures of them. plus the healing is easy peasy. it's a little like a monroe just in a differnt area. but you can put bigger balls on it so it is more noticeable

  9. Regular nose piercing is all I can see on you. Next would be eyebrow but I don't really think that would suit you..

  10. I don't think you'd look good with a facial piercing. Stick to ears... but if you must, I'd get a regular nose piercing.  


  12. How about... NONE!! you look fine the way you are! Don't encourage young children to have ugly blemishes on their face

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