
What kind of penalties would a minor get for breaking in and robbing a house in Pennsylvania?

by  |  earlier

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nobody is home




  1. You will go to jail & become bubbas *****.

  2. Im 15 and I have seen this happen.

    You would most likey get a fine and thats being VERY nice.

    Worst would be mabe some jueviey or whatever its called..About a few weeks.

    And it depends on the property damage too

  3. Just a point about terms.

    You can ROB a person, but you can't ROB a house. It is called burglary, or breaking and entering, depending on the circumstances.

    The crime is not affected by the fact that no one was home, nor the fact that there was "little property danage ". The crime  of burglary is still a felony.

    Got a lawyer ? You  need one.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  4. nothing at all because as you know in the USexA  children muder  rape  rob drink assult  and do whatever they want but the are

    " Just children "

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